New post-16 College planned to be built on land at Bodmin
Consultation underway to shape future of education in Cornwall. Truro and Penwith College is giving the chance to local communities to support and help shape a purpose-built, state-of-the-art college for the north and east of Cornwall.

The new, post-16 offer, planned to be built on land at Bodmin, is due to open to its first intake of students in September 2017. Callywith College will provide quality provision for up to 1,280 young people, with an expected first year intake of 335.
Truro and Penwith College, which is developing the college, has submitted a planning application for four education and training buildings, a floodlit sports pitch, and associated landscaping and car park.
It is now seeking the views of would-be students and their parents in the north and east of Cornwall to help the plans take shape.
A web page has been created at where people can register their interest in the college. A Facebook page to invite local opinion has also been started, attracting almost 300 Likes in its first week.
Truro and Penwith College is also working in partnership with schools in the area to seek the views of parents of Year 8, 9 and 10 pupils.
External reports and public data about Cornwall’s post-16 offer show clearly the need for something different and better. The recent commissioned impact assessment on the specific proposal for new post-16 provision at Callywith highlighted the great advantages of this new option. This web page and other engagement and support opportunities allow local people to have further input into an exciting development and we are looking forward to their responses.