Physics Lecturers (Part Time)
Part Time Lecturers required in:
Hourly rate will be based on a band in the range of £28.58 - £42.43 per hour
We are looking to update and expand our bank of part time lecturers in the above subject based in Bodmin. We are advertising for lecturers who would be available to work timetabled hours and/or at short notice to fulfil any staffing needs that we might have during the academic year due to instances, for example, of short-term staff absence.
Applicants should hold a degree or similar professional qualification and a recognised teaching qualification and have the energy and enthusiasm needed to contribute to a successful college.
We will be interviewing as and when we receive suitable applicants and/or we have confirmed additional staffing needs.
Job description
Curriculum Vitae are not accepted, Application Forms only.
How to Apply
For more information on how to apply for this position, please visit our HOW TO APPLY page.