Careers Hub
Welcome to the Callywith College Careers Hub. We are committed to supporting our students to discover more about many of the career pathways to help them make informed, rational career decisions. Careers education, information, advice and guidance is embedded in the culture of the college
Our personal development tutorial programme helps prepare and develop students for their current and future lives and includes an extensive careers education component. Students are introduced to the wide range of websites and other resources available, to help them research occupational sectors and job roles of interest. A broad range of speakers are invited to talk to the students about post-18 opportunities, including higher education, apprenticeships, jobs and gap years. Students are encouraged to research and evaluate all the pathways open to them.
All curriculum areas organise careers related visits, speakers, workshops and other activities. This is to help students understand and appreciate the relevance of the subject and provides them with an insight into different occupational roles. Every effort is made to challenge stereotypical views.
A wide range of off-timetable careers activities are arranged, including:
Destinations Day – representatives from over 60 businesses and organisations deliver presentations and answer questions. Students can pick between five and seven talks to attend.
Sector Networking Lunches – eleven sector networking lunches are being run in 2024/25 (see calendar of events below). Students get the opportunity to network with six to eight specialists working in a broad sector. Students can attend lunches for all the sectors they are interested in.
Higher Education Fair – students get the opportunity to meet representatives from over 60 universities and higher education institutions. Apprenticeship training providers and employers also attend this event.
National Apprenticeship Show – students have the opportunity to visit the Southwest Show, held at Sandy Park in Exeter.
Mock interviews – students can book a mock interview with a member of the Bodmin Chamber of Commerce.
For a calendar of key careers events and dates, please click here: Careers Events & Key Dates 2024_25
Callywith students can at any time, request a careers meeting with one of the college’s three Careers Advisers. Follow-up appointments are arranged as required. Parents / carers are welcome to attend these meetings with their young person, if they would like to. Please click the link below to book an appointment:
Advice and guidance for year 11s and school leavers:
We understand that making decisions about your next step can feel daunting, therefore, our careers team are on hand to answer any questions you may have about the provision available here at the college to assist you with planning for your next step. Contact for further information.