Personal Development Tutors
All students are allocated a Personal Development Tutor (PDT). The role of the PDT is to have oversight of the student journey. Your PDT will meet with you every week and deliver the personal development curriculum, as well as ensuring you stay on track by monitoring your wellbeing, attendance and progress. They will be your first point of contact for any questions you may have.
What is Personal Development?
Personal development, also known as Personal, Social, Health, and Career Education (PSHCE), is all about becoming the best version of yourself. Through personal development, you will learn how to understand your emotions, build strong relationships, take care of your health, manage your money, set and achieve goals, and learn about the rapidly changing world around you. It's about building a toolbox full of skills and knowledge that will help you navigate through life's ups and downs. Personal development isn't just something you will do in college – it's a lifelong journey that helps you grow into the best version of yourself and live your best life. Even when you reach adulthood, you will continue to develop your skills and understanding; this is commonly referred to as CPD (Continuous Professional Development).
Personal Development Sessions
You will cover a range of topics during weekly Personal Development Tutor sessions to support you with your personal, social, health and educational development and in becoming a well-rounded and resilient young adult.
Tutor time is a safe space in your week where you can learn about, discuss, and explore important topics that you may not cover in your main programme of study.
Your Personal Development Tutor will deliver each session as an engaging and interactive workshop that aims to develop your communication, team work, problem solving, resilience and empathy skills, which are all vital transferable skills you will need to develop in order to be successful in the workplace. They will also provide you with thought-provoking counter-narratives, offering alternative viewpoints to help you make sense of the rapidly changing world.
Tutor time topics include student finance and personal finance, exam stress, apprenticeships and higher education, healthy relationships, body image, moving out of home, learning to drive, mental health, gender and sexuality and climate change to name a few.
Read our Personal Development Tutor FAQs and take a look at the topics covered in PDT sessions here.