Callywith’s first Ten Tors Team begin training for epic trek
The first Callywith Ten Tors Challenge Team's training is now well under way.
Students have successfully completed two 16km hikes, a 28km hike across Bodmin Moor and most recently over the last weekend, a 40km walk from the College to Rough Tor.
The team spent the Friday night going through some training in planning routes and wild camping skills and were up early and walking at first light. Students walked an incredible 24 miles in seven and a half hours. Leaving Callywith at 7:00am with their kit, they walked to Brown Willy and back, with a pickup at Temple. This is outstanding for a day’s walk.
During the Ten Tors Event in late April, the team will be required to hike 72km (45 miles) over 2 days across Dartmoor National Park, ascending in 10 hills or tors along the way. To do this they are honing their problem solving, teamworking and tenacity attributes.
The team are progressing really well and are incredibly positive and determined to make the Ten Tors Event a success for them all.