COVID-19: Leavers process

In line with all of the guidance about safe return to schools and colleges, we will be having a ‘socially distanced’ leavers process over the last week of term. Find out more below.

We hope that you are coping with the new conditions we find ourselves living in. You have worked so hard during your time at Callywith College and we so wish that we could have done more of the conventional things to celebrate your last days at the college. We are working on some ways to celebrate your success and achievements in the coming weeks but we also need to complete some logistical steps of our leavers process. Therefore, in line with all of the guidance about safe return to schools and colleges, we will be having a ‘socially distanced’ leavers process over the last week of term. We hope that by giving you plenty of notice, you will be able to arrange to complete this task as outlined below.

The process will take place in Temple building and all leavers must report to Temple main doors. Whilst a parent or guardian may bring you to the college, we need to ask that only the student who is leaving enters the building. There will be a strict ‘one in one out’ and one-way system giving you the opportunity to return all college resources, equipment, books, locker keys and ID cards that you have. These items will be returned to separate, clearly labelled return stations with staff and students protected by plastic sneeze screens and handwashing stations will be available.

In order for us to return your deposit you will also need to bring in your bank details (sort code and account number). Please also bring your own pen as you will need to sign a leavers form before completing the process.

In order for us to adhere to social distancing it is vitally important that you stick to your allocated tutor times (please check your student email inboxes for these) and follow the guidelines. If you have any questions, please contact your tutor.

If you are unsure which outstanding books you have, you can check your library account by logging in with your student number (without initials) and date of birth ddmmyy. Alternatively, you can email who can check this for you. Any unreturned books will be deducted from your deposit.

Further details on how the College is responding to the challenges posed by Coronavirus and the latest advice and guidance can be found on our COVID-19 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE page or by following us on social media.