A Level Geography student Josh wins Royal Geographical Society Excellence Award

A Level Geography student Josh Bateman has won a Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Excellence Awards for the 2019 summer examinations for his mark in the Pearson Edexcel AS Level Geography exam.

The excellence awards are given out annually to the highest achievers nationally over a wide range of exam boards for students studying GCSE to A Level Geography.

Steve Brace, Head of Education and Outdoor Learning at RGS said: “The Society is delighted to recognise the outstanding work of these young geographers. Each award illustrates the impressive standard being set in school geography which is taken nationwide by 265,000 GCSE and 34,000 A Level students each year.

“Our Excellence Awards reflect the students’ hard work and their curiosity about the world, but also the support of their geography teachers. We hope they will carry their interest of the world’s people, places and environments, and how they are changing, with them into the future.”
When finding out the great news, Josh said: “I didn’t believe my Geography Lecturer Matt Andrews at first, and it took a long time to sink in, I never expected for anything like that to happen.

“I would not have been able to achieve this without the teaching and support of Matt, and my tutor Pete Maunder who I could not ask of anything more!”

Josh’s Geography Lecturer Matt Andrews said: “I'm very proud to have taught Josh. His achievement is absolutely incredible and reflects the intelligent and inquisitive young man that he is. To receive this award from the Royal Geographical Society should really show Josh that he can achieve anything he puts his mind to and I hope that the knowledge and understanding he has gained in his study of people and place in Geography will support him along the way.

“Throughout his time at Callywith, Josh has shown a mature understanding of the world and often applies his wider knowledge of global issues to topics discussed in our classroom, this ability to link his academic study to its real world application demonstrates a deep understanding of the complex interaction of processes that shape our world.

“Josh has overcome a severe barrier to Geography and its graphical nature as he is affected by severe X-linked colour blindness, which makes his achievement even more spectacular. Josh has some really remarkable ambitions for what he would like to achieve in his life and has admirably expressed great interest in how he could support others in the future. I wish Josh the best of luck in realising his dreams and know he will keep in touch and let us know what he's been up to, the world is yours to enjoy.

“Josh's achievement is a fantastic reflection of our Geography team's dedication to our subject across Callywith College and Truro and Penwith College. We believe that our subject offers our students fantastic opportunities to achieve highly, go far beyond the classroom and that geography really is a vital subject in understanding the modern world, broadening minds and encouraging an understanding of different countries and cultures.”

What an amazing achievement, well done Josh!