Business, Economics, Law and Travel & Tourism

Welcome to Business, Economics, Law and Travel & Tourism!

We hope that you can get a real sense of what studying in our department is like by traveling around our virtual 3D tours, watching the Subject Spotlight videos and dropping in to our online chat rooms (during virtual open events only).

Tour Virtual Campus

Watch Subject Spotlight Videos

Chat Live

PLEASE NOTE: Our online chat rooms will only be available during our Virtual Open Events.

Why choose Business, Economics, Law and Travel & Tourism?

Sharpen your mind and gain a qualification in one of these highly sought-after subjects. After completing these courses, you will find yourself well equipped for professional success.

Learn practical, transferable skills that employers from all sectors value in their staff. Our highly knowledgeable tutors will guide you through the complexities of business, economics and law to give you a complete understanding of these intricate subjects.

Many careers require commercial awareness and business sense. With excellent links to local businesses, you will develop an understanding of all the resources that are required for success in the commercial world and learn practical skills that are transferable to any industry.

Hear from students studying these courses here.

Tour the Virtual Campus

Visit our Business and Law departments in Garrow building to discover where you'll be learning.



Chat live to our lecturers in our online chat rooms

To visit an online chat room, click on the 'Visit Room' button next to the list of courses below.

When you enter an online chat room, please let the team know what course you are interested in and someone will reply as soon as possible.

Using a mobile or tablet device?
To access the live online chat from a mobile or a tablet device, you will need to have installed and opened the free Microsoft Teams App from your phone’s App store before entering a chat room. Alternatively, you can access the room from a desktop computer by choosing the ‘watch on web instead’ option when the new browser window opens.

PLEASE NOTE: Our online chat rooms will only be available during our Virtual Open Events.

Business (vocational courses)

L2 Business Progression

L3 Business Diploma

Visit Room

Business, Economics & Law (A Levels)

A Level Business Studies

A Level Economics

A Level Law

Visit Room

Travel & Tourism

L3 Travel & Tourism Diploma

Visit Room

Subject Spotlight Videos

Our Subject Spotlights introduce you to our wonderful lecturers who have created these videos to show the wide range of courses you can study at Callywith, what you can expect to learn and to give you an idea of what life as a student at our Outstanding college is like.

A Level Business Studies/ Level 3 Business Diploma

Plan on joining the world of work and industry? Want to start your own business? Make your ideas happen? Create exciting advertising campaigns? Learn how to manage a team of professionals? Or ever wondered how a business operates in an ever-changing environment? Then our business courses are for you.

A Level Business course information
L3 Business Diploma course information

A Level Economics

Economics relates to every aspect of our lives, from the decisions we make as individuals to the policies of firms and governments. The study of economics enables you to develop a deeper understanding of the world around us that is as valuable as it is interesting.

course information

A Level Law

Law pervades every aspect of our lives; from a personal decision to purchase a concert ticket to encompassing major constitutional issues. Law is an excellent choice for students who are keen to branch out and learn something new while developing a highly desirable skill set.

​course information

Level 3 Travel & Tourism Diploma

If you want to work in the world’s fastest growing industry employing over 292m people - that is 1 in 10 jobs on the planet - then studying Travel and Tourism will help you to embark on this journey. You will organise events, visit international airports, develop employability skills, deliver excellent customer service and gain valuable work experience as part of the course.

​Download course information