A Level Environmental Science

By studying Environmental Science you will learn about how physical and biological systems on Earth function and how these can become disrupted. We will investigate and critically evaluate advances in technology to produce energy, food and resources more efficiently. Planet Earth is the only planet we can all live on, so we must look after it and we will investigate the ways humans can use resources more sustainably.

Key information

Science / Full Time / A Levels and Equivalent

Why choose this course?

The biosphere is also an essential component in creating and maintaining life processes on Earth, unfortunately many species and biomes are under threat and you will be able to evaluate how effective management strategies are in trying to save many species from extinction. In your second year we will examine further how humans affect the planet through our demand for energy sources, release of pollutants and need for biological resources. The course embeds scientific enquiry into your learning and you will have the opportunity to take part in lab investigations and local fieldwork. Planet Earth is the only planet we can all live on, so we must look after it and we will investigate the ways humans can use resources more sustainably.

What will I learn?

The Living Environment - Conditions for Life on Earth, Conservation of Biodiversity, Life processes in the Biosphere and Conservation Planning.

The Physical Environment - A study of the Atmosphere, the Hydrosphere, Mineral resources, Biogeochemical cycles and Soils.

Research Methods: Investigative methods in Environmental Science - considering different methodologies, standardisation techniques in different environments allowing us to collect and process statistically significant data.

Energy Resources and Pollution - Is a study of the importance of energy resources in both past and future developments in society. The impact of future energy supply problems, improvements in technology, sustainability and evaluation of existing technology will all be considered. Students should understand how the properties of materials and energy forms interact to result in environmental change. They should apply this knowledge to suggest solutions to minimise current pollution problems and prevent future problems. A number of different pollution issues will be covered including atmospheric pollution, acid rain, oil, thermal, pesticide and nutrient pollution of water, noise and radiation pollution.

Biological Resources - You will study different types of Agriculture and Aquatic food production systems as well as consider the use and importance of forest resources. Throughout these topics you will investigate how humans have increased productivity, but is this sustainable?

Sustainability - Building on topics covered in the second year. You will consider the role of dynamic equilibria in natural and human systems and how this understanding may be used to develop sustainable human societies. Energy, material cycles and the circular economy will also be covered.

In the first year, you will study The Living Environment, The Physical Environment and Research Methods. In the second year you will study Energy Resources and Pollution, Biological Resources, Sustainability and remaining aspects of Research Methods. These will then be examined across 2 papers. Paper one contains The Physical Environment, Energy resources, Pollution and Research Methods. Paper 2 contains The Living Environment, Biological Resources, Sustainability and Research Methods.

Assessment Arrangements

At the end of year 2, you will sit 2 exams covering the content delivered over both years 1 and 2.

Your achievement in this subject is dependent upon excellent attendance, punctuality and effort. You will learn in a friendly atmosphere, using a variety of assessment methods:

You will be assessed through end of topic tests under timed conditions in class, regular homework questions and through completion of class activities. You will then be given detailed feedback on your progress.

You will review your own performance in 1:1 sessions with your tutor.

You will undertake mock examinations in advance of your final exams.

You will sit formal A2 Level exams at the end of 2 years of study.

Where will it take me?

The course could lead you to a career with an environment agency, The National Trust, The Forestry Commission, local wildlife trusts, environmental consultancies, National Parks, recycling organisations, waste management and water quality organisations.

Information & Support

You will be expected to undertake 4-6 hours of independent study per week. Throughout the year, you will be able to access additional support through drop-in sessions, dedicated revision workshops, tailored 1-to-1 provision and a variety of additional opportunities to stretch and challenge the most able students. We encourage you to proactively engage with the support available in order to reach your full potential.

What will I need?

Five GCSEs at grade 4 or above including grade 5 or above in chemistry or combined science 55. Mathematics at grade 5 or above and English Language or Literature at grade 5 or above.

Additional Information

We encourage all students to read widely and conduct their own research into the topics they are studying. You will be expected to undertake at least 4-6 hours of independent study time per week. There is a wide range of support material available in the Learning Resource Centres and on the course SharePoint site. Throughout the year, you will be able to access additional support and opportunities to stretch and challenge you.

Awarding Body:

To obtain more information about this course, please call: 01208 224000 or email enquiry@callywith.ac.uk

From the course


Progression: Ocean Exploration and Surveying - Plymouth University

Courses studied: A level Geography, Environmental Science and Maths

Extra Activites: Netball Academy

Previous School: Sir James Smith Community School

How are you finding your course/experience at university?

My course experience out of lockdown was amazing. I have had lots of theoretical lectures as well as lectures based on case studies. Out of the lecture theatres we've also gained practical hands on experience using CTD, ADCP, Velocity Profiling equipment and much more. My experience in lockdown has also been very positive with lectures being held from the boats and streamed to us via Zoom. Normal lectures have also been adapted to make content more engaging from our rooms! We've been able to access software from home that allows us to practice modelling and presenting different datasets.

How did your time at Callywith influence and support your choice of/transition to university?

Callywith was very supportive with the transition to uni and wanted you to make the best choice for you. In my case I wanted to study something based on the Geography and Environmental Science route and when looking at universities they were able to show the degrees which wouldn't normally be the generic route but options that could work well for you and are in full support of that. When I found that the University of Plymouth offered Marine Science related degrees it really showed that the advice and guidance I got from Callywith paid off in getting where I wanted career wise.

What do you enjoy in particular about studying Geography ?

I enjoyed Geography at Callywith because not only did it introduce relevant real world content, but it also showed that these things occur locally and it's scenarios that you can encounter in everyday life. For example, the trips that are on offer as part of the Geography A-Level are fun as well as informative and apply classroom teaching to outdoor teaching which I found really helpful when sitting my exam as I could relate well to what I'd seen. The classroom lectures are also made fun to keep everyone engaged and you're treated like an adult where it was easier to make that step to university. I chose to study Ocean Exploration and Surveying because I really enjoyed the Coasts module and the physical geography at A-level as well as the science aspect of the environment which I got from the environmental science A-Level. My degree pulls aspects from both A-levels and is very industry based which I enjoy.

How have your A Levels helped you in your degree?

My A-levels have helped a lot in my degree. Where most people had narrow options for their A-Levels Callywith was able to provide A-Levels that can expand and project your learning and put you ahead of many other applicants. The content delivered in my A-Levels was very broad, and broad enough where such a narrow fielded degree like Ocean Exploration and Surveying encompases a lot of what was taught an A-Level where it is then slightly expanded into your area of interest. 

What are you hoping to do in the future?

In the future I hope to go on to do a masters after my undergrad degree and hopefully look at either consultancy or go into renewable energies in and around Cornwall. I feel Cornwall has a lot of resources that can be used to create clean sustainable energy and it would be great to make Cornwall a hub of environmental change.


Progression: BSc Geography - Plymouth University 

Courses studied: A Level Geography, Biology and Environmental Science 

Previous school: Looe Community Academy 

How did Callywith influence and support you in your application to university?

My tutor, Matt, and my other lecturers helped me all through the university application process, from writing my personal statement, to finding the right course. My lecturers also pushed me to do my best in all my subjects and made sure to give feedback and advice where possible. The college helped every step of the way which made the transition much easier as I felt supported.

How have your A Level studies helped you in your degree?

A Level Geography gave me the initial skills for my degree and I still use them in my coursework. My Environmental Science A Level was also really helpful with the physical aspects in the lab with my degree.

How are you finding your course / experience at university?

I am enjoying student life at uni and studying as I am doing a subject I love and am passionate about. The course is so interesting and helps widen my knowledge.

I love studying Geography as it is incorporated in everything we do, past, present and future, I chose it at uni because I want to be able to learn more and more. There are so many aspects to Geography, from the physical factors such as; climate change, water insecurity, sustainability issues. To the human factors; cultures, space and politics. And so many more!

What are you hoping to do in the future?

In the future I hope to work with the fight against climate change.

How to apply to Callywith College