A Level Spanish
Spanish is the official language in 20 countries and, with more than 480 million native speakers, is the second most widely spoken mother-tongue language in the world. Spanish is one of the official languages of the United Nations, the European Union and numerous other international organisations. A language qualification is highly valued by universities and employers alike and there are ever increasing opportunities for Spanish speakers to work in Europe, Latin America and the US.
Key information
English & Languages / Full Time / A Levels and Equivalent

Why choose this course?
If you enjoy learning Spanish at GCSE and want to improve your fluency and accuracy whilst discovering new things about the culture, history and society of different countries in the Spanish-speaking world, this is the course for you! Spanish complements many other A level subjects and will provide you with a range of transferable skills in areas such as essay writing, oral communication, research and giving presentations. Furthermore, studying Spanish is interactive, varied and fun!
What will I learn?
Studying A Level Spanish at Callywith College will give you the opportunity to gain fluency, develop skills and build on the knowledge that you have acquired at GCSE. The first aspect of the course will be to improve your skills in speaking, reading, listening, writing and translation through a wide range of activities, both in and outside the classroom. You will learn vocabulary based on a variety of topic areas, as well as grammar rules that will enable you to make sense of the language and improve your accuracy. The second aspect of your course will be to develop your knowledge of the Spanish speaking world by studying various topics, as well as a Spanish language film and book.
You will have access to brand new specialist resources in our Learning Resource Centre, where you can get help with research and other aspects of your studies. Once a week, you will have a conversation session to help you gain confidence in speaking and prepare for the oral exam. There will also be an opportunity to take part in a study visit to Granada in Andalucía.
Year 1
Families and citizenship
Youth trends and personal identity
Education and employment opportunities
Regional culture & heritage in Spain, Spanish-speaking countries & communities
Media, art, film and music in the Spanish-speaking world
A Spanish language film (María Llena Eres de Gracia)
Year 2
Migration and integration
Cultural identity and marginalisation
Cultural enrichment and celebrating difference
Discrimination and diversity
El franquismo
Post-Civil War Spain – historical and political repercussions
Spain – coming to terms with the past?
A Spanish language book (El otro árbol de Guernica)
Assessment Arrangements
Your achievement in this subject is dependent upon excellent attendance, punctuality and effort, including at least 4 hours of independent study time per week. You will learn in a friendly and supportive atmosphere and your progress will be continually monitored and assessed by your lecturer. There will be regular tests on vocabulary and grammar and a variety of homework tasks, including written work, reading and listening tasks, oral presentations and preparation for discussions. You will review your own performance with your lecturer in termly 1:1 sessions.
You will have internal midpoint assessments at the end of your first year, and the exams at the end of the second year will test your knowledge of all topics covered over the two years. The skills are weighted as follows:
Component 1 – Speaking – 30%
Component 2 – Listening, Reading & Translation – 50%
Component 3 – Writing – 20%
Information & Support
We encourage all students to expose themselves to the Spanish language and Hispanic culture as much as possible. We provide opportunities for this in and outside the classroom, as well as various materials in our Learning Resource Centre and on Sharepoint.
Where will it take me?
A language qualification is highly valued by universities and employers alike. Spanish can be studied alone or combined with almost any other subject including Business, Law, Geography and Science. You could also study Spanish alongside a new language at university, such as Portuguese, Chinese or Arabic.
Spanish is of huge global importance and your language skills could lead to a career in a wide range of sectors, including teaching, translation, interpreting, subtitling, journalism, academic research, government, diplomacy, international development, hospitality, business and marketing. With a language under your belt, the world really is your oyster!
What will I need?
You need to achieve at least five GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including a grade 6 in Spanish and grade 5 in English.
Additional Information
Awarding Body:
To obtain more information about this course, please call: 01208 224000 or email enquiry@callywith.ac.uk