BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Business
Want to start your own business? Make your ideas happen? Create exciting advertising campaigns? Learn how to manage a team of professionals? You can start developing your career in this sector by studying a Diploma in Business.
Key information
Business & Law / Full Time / Level 3 Extended Diploma

Why choose this course?
If you have ever wondered how a business operates in an ever-changing environment then the Diploma in Business is the course for you! It will provide you with an understanding of how marketing, human resources, accounts, operations, sales, project teams, management teams, directors and customer service interlink to achieve business aims and objectives.
The Diploma in Business will provide you with essential knowledge of how the UK environment impacts upon how a business plans and operates to ensure its success.
It will enable you to acquire vital skills and the critical awareness necessary for managing teams and creating value for a business, whilst preparing you for your career. The course can provide a pathway both directly into a career in Business as well as to Higher Education studies in this and related subjects.
There is a range of diverse optional units including: Recruitment and Selection, which will develop your understanding of the complex legal process involved in recruiting new staff, as well as the cost and time implications; Events Management, where you will plan and carry out your own business event, taking control of every aspect including gaining the Finance required; Creative Product Promotion, which will further develop your understanding of marketing and, in particular, the creation of promotional materials. Each optional unit studied will encourage you to discover how the different functions combine in order to ensure operational success.
The course aims to give you a varied learning experience and will be a combination of a student-centred approach to learning, involving research for assignments guest speakers, lectures, group work and discussions and, where possible, visits.
An experienced team of lecturers, many of whom have relevant industry experience, will support your learning. You will need to be prepared to work hard independently, carry out in-depth research and use a variety of sources of information.
What will I learn?
You will study a range of core units and specialist units over the two years of the course. The specialist units have been carefully selected to keep your options open for further study at higher education.
Year 1: Foundation Diploma in Business
Year one provides the foundation to your future studies; this will give you the knowledge and skills which are necessary to successfully complete your studies. You will gain an understanding of business and how this is affected by the wider business environment; an appreciation of accounting and its importance to the business world; marketing strategies will be analysed and evaluated and a sound knowledge of communication and how its importance to the business world has developed.
Successful completion of year one will allow you to progress on to year two.
Year 2: Extended Diploma in Business
Year two will further extend your knowledge of business exploring more specific areas such as events management, accountancy, recruitment and selection and creative product promotion.
Assessment Arrangements
Your achievement in this subject is dependent upon excellent attendance, punctuality and effort. You will learn in a Your achievement in this subject is dependent upon excellent attendance, punctuality and effort. You will learn in a friendly atmosphere, using a variety of assessment methods.
Assessment is by a combination of unit assignments, internally set by the team and externally moderated by Edexcel. They are graded at pass, merit and distinction level and may take the following formats: written reports, portfolios of work, presentations, leaflets and articles.
There are 4 formal examinations – two in each year. These cover: Finance, Marketing, Management and Decision Making. Throughout the course there is a strong emphasis on the acquisition of skills which will prepare you for study at university or for entry directly into the business world.
Information & Support
We encourage all students to read widely and conduct their own research into the topics they are studying. There are a wide range of materials available across the campus to support this ranging from newspapers, textbooks and the Sharepoint site.
There will be regular 1:1 meetings with your tutor to review your progress and, where appropriate, you will be given the opportunity to attend drop-in sessions, tailored 1:1 support, as well as a variety of opportunities to stretch and challenge the most able students. We encourage you to proactively engage with the support available in order to reach your full potential.
Where will it take me?
Business is such a diverse subject that there are a wide number of progression opportunities available ranging from studying the subject further at higher education; securing a business related apprenticeship or even starting your own small business!
What will I need?
You will need four GCSEs at grade 4 including a 4 in English (Lang or Lit.) and / or Maths.
Whilst it is possible to re-take GCSE English and Maths at Callywith College, students can only study one of these subjects alongside our Level 3 courses and therefore all students must have at least one grade 4 in English or Maths at the point of enrolment (other course specific entry requirements apply).
Additional Information
Awarding Body:
To obtain more information about this course, please call: 01208 224000 or email