Outstanding Education

Your education and your future couldn’t be in better hands when you choose to study with Callywith College.

We are officially recognised as one of the best colleges in the country and Callywith College have retained our ‘Outstanding’ status as a result of our inspection in March 2024.

Just some of the comments from Ofsted Inspectors include:

  • Students’ work is frequently of an exceptionally high standard. Their course and practical work reflects this, as does their theory and examination preparation. This is because of the high-quality teaching they receive from the highly qualified, expert lecturers who teach them.
  • ​Students are extremely well supported by the lecturers and other college staff. They undertake an excellent tutorial programme, which is well planned and flexible enough to adapt quickly to a changing world.
  • College staff are very ambitious and have high expectations of their students. They have provided exceptional resources to assist in delivering high-quality education.
  • All students are exceptionally well motivated, demonstrate very positive behaviours and work well independently. As a result, outcomes are high.
  • Leaders and managers have created an inclusive environment, where the small number of high needs students flourish.
  • Those with additional needs are very well supported in a holistic manner, with lecturers having extensive knowledge of how to support them individually.
  • Lecturers plan exciting sessions and maximise the opportunities for learners to recall prior knowledge…as a result, all students have a confident understanding of a wide range of curriculum content over time, building well on their prior knowledge.
  • Managers ensure that staff receive highly effective professional development in, for example, effective questioning and classroom management. As a result, staff are very well trained on how best to teach their students and subjects.
  • Leaders and managers ensure that all students receive high-quality information on what they can do next. This includes individualised careers advice and guidance, and meaningful work experience or interactions with the world of work.
  • The cross-college tutorial programme explores useful careerfocused topics that support students’ transition into higher education, employment, or apprenticeships. As a result, students are rightly positive about the careers support available to them at the college.
  • Those responsible for governance are highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals. They bring a range of expertise to the board of trustees, including education, quality assurance and finance.
  • Leaders, managers and trustees know the college strengths well and understand the areas they need to improve.


Not only are we one of the best performing state A Level providers in Cornwall, we are also one of the highest performing colleges nationally across a range of benchmarks. You can choose from a wide range of A Levels and vocational courses, all taught by highly-qualified, specialist educators.

The thriving, supportive community and positive, encouraging environment, combined with world-class facilities and exceptional staff, provides you with the best opportunity to achieve your educational goals.